Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ready to Swim!

She's worn her Dora the Explorer swim suit all afternoon, even talked me into putting in on Boppy for a few minutes before deciding she wanted it back!

Our Little Swimmer

I've been taking Blake to swim lessons this summer.  It's a Mommy and Me class that we take with our buddy Lane (pronounced "Yane" by Blake).  Brandon (Lane's Daddy) got to come a few weeks ago and was nice enough to get some pictures for us.  

This little swimmer can now do a 2 SECOND underwater swim.  Doesn't sound like a big deal, but I think it's pretty great.  She doesn't even sputter when she comes up anymore, she loves the "wa wa".  My Dad was here last week so we did a make up class so he could watch.  I think it made him both nervous and proud.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


p>Our church's Summer Spectacular was exactly that.  I had the joy of helping in the two year old class. Our first session we had 13 kiddos, then the second session we had 2!  So I let Blake stay with me in our class, she had so much fun singing and playing with little Sydney and watching the Esther musical.  On one night they had  a REAL HORSE ride through the sanctuary, Blake flipped, she was soooo excited...so Nick being the adventerous Dad he is went to find the horse and the owner graciously offered to let Blake ride it, too bad I don't have a picture.  But know that she talked (and still talks) about that "Nay" ~ for some reason she won't say "horse" only "Naaaaaay", haha..

Sorry the pictures aren't great, they are all from my phone.

I love this picture, Blake is  reading to Sydney.

Sydney doing a craft.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Host

I just finished reading "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer and I give it 4 stars!  

If you haven't read it, go get it, you'll love it.  It's very different from the Twilight series and a little confusing in the beginning, but a great story line.

Who loves Daddy's??

WE DO!!!!!!

I hope all the Dad's that frequent my blog..probably just  Nick :)...had a great Father's Day.

I love ya Dad!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Heather and Layla


p>Here are some new pictures I took this weekend.

My sister Stephanie is expecting a little girl (Charleigh Anne) this October.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lovely Ladies


I have lots of things I should be doing.  Laundry, packing, cleaning, etc.  But instead I want to share some of the memories of my PaPaw that have come to mind over the last 12 hours.  

My sweet PaPaw went to be with Jesus last night around 10:30 p.m.  He had been sick for a very long time and I know he is feeling soooo good right now up there in heaven.  It's always hard to lose someone you love, but that God we have a peace for those that know Him.

  • When I was about 6 years old I remember someone telling me you had to have  drivers liscense to drive. So later I was out with my PaPaw and he was driving and I said "Papaw I heard you have to have a drivers liscence to drive, do you have one?"  He smiled and told me "No, I'm a Papaw and Papaw's don't have to have drivers liscence."  And that's excactly what I thought of him, so big and strong that no one would dare enforce such a rule on him.  
  • I remember going out with him to milk the cows (he was a dairy farmer) and how funny it was the way he called the cows in to be milked.  They had names like "Big Mama" and "Bessy".   
  • I remember him letting me bottle feed the new calfs.
  • I remember him letting ME drive his truck down an old dirt road, WAY before I should have been behind the wheel
  • I remember him slipping me a $20 bill about once a week and telling me not to tell anyone, that it was "coke money".  Like I could ever spend $20 a week on cokes :)
  • I remember he had this big container of change and I would sit in his living room counting that change just for fun.
  • I remember him paying me a quarter to water his flowers :)
  • I remember when my hand was so small I would hold just his pinky while we were walking.
  • I remember his blue eyes looking deep into mine the last few times I saw him and he would tear up and I would tear up and he would tell me how much he loved me.
  • I remember him joking that he was "having a baby" because his belly was so round.
  • Of all the time I spent with him as a little girl, I don't remember ever getting in trouble, not once.

These memories keep coming to my mind, and I hope they keep coming.  

Monday, June 1, 2009

Layla Grace

I have permission from my sister and her husband to post pictures of Layla!  So here they are, enjoy!! For those of you that know my sister, she is Cherokee Indian and very dark complected. Last I saw Layla she also looked to have her Mom's complection, but not anymore..she changed so much in 2 months! 

Blake sharing her Boppy with Layla.

I'm happy to report that Blake did better with Layla this trip...I think some of it was that Nick was there and as long as she has Nick she doesn't care as much what I'm doing...so I spent as much time as I could holding this precious little one. She's changed so much since I saw her last.

Blake definately doesn't sleep as well when we are away from home. Here she is after only a 30 minute nap..at least PawPaw was there to console her.

Just on the side, please keep my Paw Paw in your prayers, he was taken to a wound clinic today to try to work on his foot, but there is a possibility he will need an amputation. His name is Carl.


Here are Blake's oldest cousins, Stephen and Caitlyn.  It took her a little while to warm up, then you knew wherever Caitlyn was Blake was probably following her.  How fun to have these two!

We spent Saturday at my Mom's house, which is out in the country. We rode four wheelers (sorry again Mom for almost getting us stuck and getting mud on our shoes, clothes, hair, etc.) had HUGE breakfasts (pancakes, eggs, bacon, ham, fruit, coffee, juices), and enjoyed seeing family that we don't get enough time with.

Saturday night we went to a mini family reunion with my Grandma, her sisters and their families.  I think my Mom decided she has somewhere around 50 first cousin...woa....

Brian and Amy's Wedding

My step brother Brian married Amy Hinson this weekend.  They had a beautiful ceremony and reception.  I couldn't be happier for these two, I saw  God-inspired joy on my brothers face and know it's an answered prayer. 

The beautiful couple. (I was really wishing I had my "good" camera...)

My honey with Blake and our neice and nephew (Caitlyn and Stephen)

3 Generations.

We were so glad to be able to get to Arkansas to share this event and spend time with family.