May 13, 2010
Dear Blake,
I sit here in awe that you are 2 ½ years old today. I can’t believe how time has flown since you turned two and that before I know it you will be 3. It makes me cherish each day as you grow into a little girl, now so far from a baby.
Our lives have definitely changed the past few months. Your little sister, Kate was born 6 weeks ago. I was worried while I was pregnant that you may be jealous when she came, but you have surprised me by HOW MUCH you love her. You want to kiss, hug, hold, feed and help change her diapers at every chance you get. Every time you see her you say “Awww, Kate, you so cute!” followed by a big hug and kiss. You love to sing her songs like “Where is thumbkin” and “Twinkle, Twinkle little star”. If Kate is down taking a nap you always ask where she is and if we can go get her up(the answer is usually “no” . Today you were able to make her smile for the first time and it made you light up. I pray that you and Kate will share a love and tight bond your whole lives. I pray you are sisters and friends that can always be there for each other.
At 2 ½ you are really my best friend. We do everything together. You go to preschool at our church two days a week. You LOVE your teacher, Miss Sarah. You come home having learned so much. You can count (though not always in the right order) to 20, you can say your ABC’s, know your shapes, recognize your name spelt out and recognize several letters. You make me laugh because you know your name starts with a “B” and will say “B, B, B, Blake” but you also use “B” to start every other word. Yesterday you said “B,B,B Dog”. You swing so high on the swing set, and you push around your Dora bike up and down the driveway. What I am MOST proud of you lately is that you are now potty trained!! We gave it a try and you did wonderfully! You are so proud to be a big girl. We celebrate every potty victory with a dance and an M&M, okay, 4 M&M’s. I love how we can have full conversations now. We can talk about our plan s for the day, about your friends and grandparents. It amazes me how much you remember and how days or weeks later you will bring up something we have talked about. You like to sound just like Mommy. Today you said “Mommy, I watch one more Wonder Pets then go potty, then go to bed, okay?”
You love your friends. You LIGHT up when you see Lexi, Lane, Claire or Luke, or Griffin. You are in swim classes once a week with Lane. You two are so funny swimming and splashing around. You are always happy to “swim with Lane, and Branbon, and Jennie.” It melts my heart how you say “Mommy, I love Lane, Mommy, do YOU love Lane?”
While it use to be hard to talk you in to a hug and kiss, you now give them freely. Any time I ask if you want to watch TV and cuddle the answer is always “yes”. I love my time just me and you, it is so sweet and precious.
You definatley have an opinion on how you like to have things. Today we were putting away your laundry and you choose a swimsuit top, a Dora swim diaper and pink tights to wear. You like to sleep with every stuffed animal in your bed, and you are quick to point out if one is missing. Your favorite toy is play doh. You like to make snakes and animals with it.
I want to remember so much of who you are right now, sweet Blake. I LOVE being your Mommy. I love seeing you learn and grown and become who God is planning for you to be. I know he has BIG plans in store for you. Trust in Him and look to his will for your life, he will not lead you wrong. I pray you give generously to others and love them with all your little heart has. Thank you for all the joy, laughs and fun you bring to my life.
All my love,