Tuesday, January 25, 2011

For Mom (who needs a book recommendation)

Did you know I love to read. Like, LOVE to read. Well I do. If I'm not reading a good book I feel like I'm missing something.

Here are a few of my recent reads that I recommend.

Her Mother's Hope ~ Francine Rivers
Her Daughter's Dream ~ Francine Rivers

This is a two part series about 4 generations of women in one family. They are long (like 500 pages long) but easy reads. They focus on mother/daughter/grandmother relationships. I definitely enjoyed them.

I also recommend the Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins.
The titles are:

The Hunger Games
Cathing Fire

They hook you in a Twilight-esque sort of way.

In non-fiction I recommend

So Long, Insecurity ~Beth Moore

This book opened my eyes in so many ways. If we are close friends you're probably tired of me telling you to read this book. It usually takes me longer to get through non-ficiton books, but this one had me wanting to read "just one more page" over and over. Even if you don't think you struggle with insecurity, this book shows you practical ways to put ALL your security on Jesus.


Ree said...

I started the Hunger Games and still haven't finished it -- so depressing! Julia love it and the second one, but hasn't read the third one, yet.

I recommend: The Help and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Wonderful characters!

Jennie said...

So either we aren't close friends or you don't think I am insecure. I haven't heard you mention the Beth Moore book. You already know what I think of Hunger Games...loved it except the ending. I recommend the Dresden File series. It is SCI/FI, like a more adult version of Harry Potter. There are at least 10 books in the series but read well on their own too.