Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kate's 15 Month Pictures

Yes, there are a lot, but I really did narrow it down.
Oh my Goodness she is cute. 

PS. If anyone has any tips to help my pictures not look grainy when uploaded to blogger I'll take em'!
I shrunk these a little hoping that would fix it but it didn't.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th Of July

Celebrating with our neighbor friends! 

Friday, July 1, 2011


Levi Barker

a 7 pound Toy Australian Shepherd that is all the work of another child, God Bless him.

He really is a precious boy.  He has adjusted so well to us.  He is definitely a lap dog that is extremely content. The only thing that would make his life better would be getting the temperature outside closer to 80 than 100 (he can barely stand to be out 5 minutes to go potty) and if we told him he didn't have to sleep in his kennel ever again. We are in the throws of house breaking, so if I'm gray next time you see me you'll know why. 

See Blake...


I've had SO FEW pictures of swim class for Blake, mostly because who dares pull out a camera when munchkin #2 could use those 8 seconds to try to jump in the pool...

So here's the best I could do.
She really is doing so much better this session.  She can come up and take a breath then go back under to swim.  Her teacher says she has all the "moves" (big arms, big kicks, big breaths) and is just now learning to coordinate them all toghether to swim.

Kate is 15 Months Old!

At 15 months old Kate is one busy little girl. 

Her hobbies include:

Stealing Mommy's phone
Being held
Giving tight hugs
Taking her sister's ___________. (really you can put anything in here you like, it will be the truth)
Chasing her new buddy Levi (pictures to come)
Trying to sneak outside.
Trying to climb the stairs before you catch her.
Dancing on our coffee table.
Trying to "swim" in her little-bitty water table.
Saying "Momma, Dada, Uh-oh, come-on"
Taking your hand and pulling you where she wants to go

15 Month Stats:
Weight 24 lb 5 oz (73%)
Height 33 1/4 " (99%)
Head 47 cm (81%)