Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I love when I pull up my camera and Nick has taken pictures of the girls while I'm at work. Here they are this past weekend.

Movie {Not in} in the Park

This weekend was supposed to be our neighborhood "Movie in the Park"...but the weather was iffy so they canceled it. I had been excited for weeks about taking the girls to watch a movie outside so last minute we improvised and had "Movie in The Barkers Driveway"!!

We had Popcorn and Juice Boxes and watched Toy Story 3.

Uncle B, Blake and Lexi.

Lane wasn't so intrested in the movie, but loved playing outside! (It was WAY muggy and humid.)

I think Blake enjoyed it more than anyone else. She's already requesting to watch different movies "on the garage". She finished the whole movie! (The movie is hard to see in this picture because my flash whited it out but it looked great while watching it.)

I can't wait to do this again this summer.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Spring Show

Blake had her Preschool Spring show this past Monday. For weeks she had been singing about roaring lions, slithering snakes and "jumpanzees" i.e. chimpanzees.
It was so fun to watch her sing and do the motions to the songs. She started out a little nervous, but then spotted me in the crowd and perked up. I'm hoping to figure out how to get video from our video camera to show, but for now pictures will have to do.

This is Blake with her two teachers Ms. Nikki and Ms. Andrea.

Ready for the show!
She looks like such a big girl here.

And I can't leave Kate out, so here is her latest accomplishment. Getting in the bath tub. I had given her and Blake a bath together then gave Kate to Nick to watch. I was picking out Blake's PJ's when I hear "Mommmmmy!!! Kate's in the tub!!!" And so she was, fresh diaper, fresh PJ's and OH SO PROUD of herself. Little Stinker :)
PS. I made Nick dry and redress her ;)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

School Time

I had been wanting to start a school time with Blake for a while...but we were really inconsistent and I didn't really have a plan of attack....It seemed overwhelming to find things that were age appropriate and I could get her to sit down and focus for a short time. She learns so much at YCW, but I wanted to be more involved in her learning.

So about a month ago I decided to get organized, don't let that overwhelm you. I went to Target and found a few age appropriate work books, gathered up a few educational books we had (mostly from Chic-Fil-A) and found a Prayer book that would give us a prayer/devotional to end with each day.

Right now we are learning about Weather, writing her name (we practiced "A" today) and tracing exercises to help with writing. We also find our day on the calender and sing the "months of the year song". She LOVES this time of day. It gives me motivation to spend quality uniterrupted (we do it during Kate's first nap) time focused on her.

She loves learning about tornados.

Practicing our "A's"

Probably the most important component, Mommy's coffee...and Blake's book of prayers.