Saturday, February 28, 2009

Way to Go SHALA!!

One of my best girlfriends from nursing school just found out she is accepted in to CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist)school in California!! AKA: A BIG DEAL!!! She's always been a smart cookie, I'm so proud of you Shala!!

Friday, February 27, 2009


Lexi's turned the big 2 today! How fast time flies! At two Lexi is FULL of life and energy.  She loves the Backyardigans and her special teddy that goes with her everywhere.  She just started preschool, and she is definately Blake's best buddy.  To celebrate we tagged along on the birthday tradition of going to Build A Bear.  

Opening presents this morning.

Enjoying a snack in the car.

Lexi choosing her bear.

Blake chose a bunny.

The girls "registering" their bears

All done!

Happy Birthday Lex, we love you!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blake's Big Barker Weekend

Blake and Nick were able to travel with his family this weekend to see Baus race (yikes!) motorcycles.  Though I do not completely understand the obsession I love that Baus has a passion for racing and that the girls get to tag along and keep everyone VERY busy!!  I barely had time to miss them since this was my long work weekend, they got home LATE Sunday night.  Baus finished 3rd in two races!! Go Uncle B!! We're so proud of you!!

The girls playing on the phone in the hotel (probably calling China)

Blake entertaining the crowd.

How cute!

With Daddy on the four wheeler, if I was there I probablly would have put a quick stop to all that fun...

Nick with the girls.

This picure cracks me up...she looks so ragmuffin, but that almost always means she's been having LOTS of fun!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Look Out!

I have a new scanner and I fully intend to beat you all down with all of our "pre digital" photos!  I'm so excited!  Feel free to ignore them if you like :)



I think we had been engaged just a few weeks here.

Our first vacation together, with my parents and some family friends. We went to New Mexico and stayed in a friends' cabin.

Summer 1999, WOW that's long time ago. I remember us being at a park with some church friends, Nick had his cool camaro :)

This is Nick, Summer 1999 at Windy Gap North Carolina. It's my favorite picture of him.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

this is what most of my pictures look like! blake eye-ing (sp?) the camera.

reading books with daddy.

here is blake's routine while we are warming her milk...lots of lovin' every day to these pictures.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines!!

Growth Stats

Here are Blake's 15 month numbers:

Height:  33 inches ( >  95%)

Weight:  23 lb 4 oz (b/t 50-75%)

Head Circumference:  18 1/4 ( (b/t 50-74%)


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy 15 Months

Happy 15 months (tomorrow) Blakaroony!

Here are a few new facts:

1. While we wait for Blake's milk to warm in the microwave (yes she still wants it warmed) she has to kiss everyone's picture that is on the fridge. Up right now are: Lane, My brother and his fiance, Riley and Reece (cousins), and Nick's PaPaw. It's so stinkin cute, I hope to capture it on video soon.

2. For months teeth brushing was pure torture, Blake hated it, and we hated it...UNTIL her cool new Dora battery powered toothbrush! The other day I was trying to act like I was going to brush her teeth with my finger(why, I don't know!) and she bit me SO HARD! I screamed!! It scared us both, but we got over it.

3. When we sing Itsy Bitsy Spider she loves to say "DOOOOWWN" on "down came the rain" ..she kinda gets stuck and says down over and over.

4. The wiggles = cuddle time! She'll sit for a good 10-15 min and let me cuddle her if I put the Wiggles on.

5. She's saying Momma more :) And signing more, like "please" and "more" and "all done".

I love you sweet Blake, I enjoy so much watching you grow every day!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Quote

Here is something my boss said to our staff last week...
If you know her, you know this is probably not one of the more shocking things for her to say.

"If my nose was running money, I'd blow it all over ya'll."

If you think I'm cool....

You should see my Dad!

Exactly my thougts!

Love you guys!

Monday, February 2, 2009

silly girl

New Pictures

Sunday is "Daddy" Day, since I work 7a-7p they get tons of time together on Sunday.  Nick told me yesterday that they played outside a total of 5 HOURS (and she smelt like it!!!)  Go Daddy :) I tell them both, Blake is so lucky to have Nick for a Daddy, and Nick is so lucky to have her for a daughter.

Being sad that Benson has a toy and she doesn't!

Already a multi-tasker!

Sorry for the decrease in pictures, it is VERY hard to get pictures of Blake right now because if she sees the camera she wants to play with it...

Then and Now

Blake and I with Jennie and Lane, what a difference a year makes :) I think we look more like mommy's now, don't you?