Friday, May 7, 2010

Potty Business

I'm so excited I wanted to share that Blake went #1 on the potty 6 TIMES!! and #2 on the potty 2 TIMES today!!! For so long she had NO interest in the potty, then today I just decided to put her in panties and go with it. She had two accidents, but each time would stop to go finish on the potty. I watched her like a hawk, it's a lot like when we house-broke our dog...I swear it is! We went to Walmart tonight to celebrate and buy pull ups and Dora panties. She was realllly upset that she had to put on a pull up for bedtime, but I'm not up for washing the sheets or having her wake up because she's wet in the middle of the night. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this sticks and tomorrow she doesn't totally change her mind.


Jodi said...

Way to go, Blake! I think I bought Dora panties for Bri when she was that age too! Love you!

Anonymous said...

ya ya ya ya!! woohoo im so excited for you guys!! shes doing so great! lexi wouldnt poop in the potty at all at first so go blake!! love yall :)

love lindsay!