Thursday, April 21, 2011

There's been so much on my mind I've wanted to blog about...but haven't.
I wanted to put this little tid bit in because I don't want to forget it.

We've been talking a lot about Easter the last few weeks. We talk about Jesus often, but have focused recently on him dying and then living again, and how He did it all because he loves us....and that now because of what Jesus did we get to live in heaven with God and Jesus some day.

So, today on the way to preschool we were talking again about how Jesus died for us, and Blake just started talking....she basically told me the whole salvation story. She was so excited that Jesus died, but now he's alive. I explained to her that what she had just told me was the MOST important story in the whole world.

(I want to note that my 3 year old LOVES anything that involves: most, never, always, forvever. She's is an extremist all the way.)

She really held on to that fact. So she kept saying over and over. "It's the most important story in the whole world, right Mommy?" By the time we pulled in the preschool I had to compose myself because I was a mess.

To hear her profess and in her perfect little child mind tell me the story of God's love for us. It was overwhelming. I never want to forget how that felt.

So, because I've been a bad blogger I'm including a video and a picture.


Jennie said...

That is an awesome story indeed. Thanks for sharing. Sherry bought a "dancing" rabbit and she keeps telling Lane that the rabbit is dancing bc Jesus came to life again. It is really cool to be in the mind of a 3 year old sometimes.

Ree said...

Wonderful story!

We thought of you guys today and missed you, of course. Hope y'all had a great Easter. Saw the pics of Nick and Baus and girls - lookin' good! ♥