Tuesday, May 3, 2011

School Time

I had been wanting to start a school time with Blake for a while...but we were really inconsistent and I didn't really have a plan of attack....It seemed overwhelming to find things that were age appropriate and I could get her to sit down and focus for a short time. She learns so much at YCW, but I wanted to be more involved in her learning.

So about a month ago I decided to get organized, don't let that overwhelm you. I went to Target and found a few age appropriate work books, gathered up a few educational books we had (mostly from Chic-Fil-A) and found a Prayer book that would give us a prayer/devotional to end with each day.

Right now we are learning about Weather, writing her name (we practiced "A" today) and tracing exercises to help with writing. We also find our day on the calender and sing the "months of the year song". She LOVES this time of day. It gives me motivation to spend quality uniterrupted (we do it during Kate's first nap) time focused on her.

She loves learning about tornados.

Practicing our "A's"

Probably the most important component, Mommy's coffee...and Blake's book of prayers.


Jennie said...

Love that you are doing this. Wish I could do this more with Lane.

Ree said...

I did this with both of my kiddos, they enjoyed it and I loved it! If learning is fun and not a chore, it's easy to do. Oh, I miss those days....

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you would like me to look for things for you! I still have a lot of fun preschool songs that are great at teaching beginning sounds, shapes, colors, letters.....
Love that you are spending this time with her. Teachers can always tell when children have good support at home:)