Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Movie {Not in} in the Park

This weekend was supposed to be our neighborhood "Movie in the Park"...but the weather was iffy so they canceled it. I had been excited for weeks about taking the girls to watch a movie outside so last minute we improvised and had "Movie in The Barkers Driveway"!!

We had Popcorn and Juice Boxes and watched Toy Story 3.

Uncle B, Blake and Lexi.

Lane wasn't so intrested in the movie, but loved playing outside! (It was WAY muggy and humid.)

I think Blake enjoyed it more than anyone else. She's already requesting to watch different movies "on the garage". She finished the whole movie! (The movie is hard to see in this picture because my flash whited it out but it looked great while watching it.)

I can't wait to do this again this summer.


Jennie said...

it was a lot of fun! can't wait to do it again.

Jodi said...

I want to come next time!

Ree said...

What fun! I want to do that, but need a projector, or whatever it is one needs for a 'garage movie'. :)