Thursday, April 3, 2008


What a crazy few weeks our family has had...

First last week we had my Mom, neice (Caitlyn), nephew (Stephen) and sister in law come for a short tri p...we had such a blast.  We went to jump world (without the camera unfortunately), the zoo (sans Bl ake and my Mom), and just hung around the house.  Stephen and Caitlyn absolutely love Blake, and she loves them too!  They entertained each other the whole trip.  What a blessing to have them come visit.

The Kids loved the zoo and the climbing wall...

Enjoying cousin time....

Stephen feeding Blake...he also helped me take the dogs for walks, what I wouldn't do to have them live close!!

This week we went to see the rest of the family.   We stayed with my step sister and had a nice, relaxed week.  
We like to draw a crowd....

Blake with Uncle Brian and Aunt Stephy

sporting Uncle Brian's hat

Blake with her great-grandma Brown

Blake with her great grandma and grandpa Barker

I know that's a ton of pictures, I even have some video, so I'll post again soon :)


Ree said...

I can't tell you how happy I am that you and Blake came by Ma and Pa Barker's house today! You're a sweetheart! So is Blake! Glad you returned home safe and sound.

Jennie said...

love all of the great pictures. can't believe how big our girls are getting!