Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Baby Update

I went for my 37 week checkup yesterday.  Everything is looking great. The doctor estimates that Baby Kate weighs approximately 6 lbs right now.  Her heartbeat sounds strong and everything is going as planned!  She has mentioned the last two weeks that Kate is "low". Right now she is at a -1 station, I am still about 70% effaced and dilated between 1-2 cm. (Sorry if that's TMI for some) 

She mentioned that in her opinion she thinks I will not go to 39 or 40 weeks, but I am forever the skeptic and am thinking that since it has been said that now I will probably go all the way to 40 weeks!  Either way we are now prepared for Kate's arrival.  We have baby clothes washed, a bag packed (the baby bag atleast) and we are preregistered with the hospital.  I still feel like I haven't done all the "preparing" I'm supposed to, but I know everything will work out.  I love the fact that I work where she will be delivered. I like recognizing the dietary hostess or the phlebotomist when they come in my room, it's so comforting.  

OH!  Her full name is "Kathryn Bailey Barker".  Cute, I know :)  Nick chose Bailey, it was one of the runners up for Blake's name.  

Blake is getting excited too, she'll tell you that Kate is in "mommy's belly".  The other night she asked if Kate was ever going to cry and I gave her a definate "yes...." . She then said that when Kate cries she will sing her "Twinkle, Twinkle little star". It was so precious.  

My baby shower is this Friday, I'm excited that my Mom and Aunt are going to be able to come for the weekend.  I've missed seeing my Mom while I've been pregant and this will be a fun weekend to catch up.  I'm also excited about a night with my friends, just to hang out and enjoy their company.  

Work is getting more tedious, as is just keeping things up in the house.  We had a friend recommend a housekeeper so we had her come do a deep spring cleaning and my house is (well, was)  cleaner than it has ever been. Of course now three days later it's about back to normal, but atleast all my baseboards, ceiling fans, etc are CLEAN!!  I highly recommend it.  I think it would be an excellent shower gift if you have a friend or relative that is going to have a baby to provide them this service.  What more would a new Mom want than to not have to clean?!?


Jodi said...

You need to give me that ladies number!